Sunday, September 21, 2008

Every week at school, one kid is the star of the week and Emma will be the star of the week this week. She was very excited about creating this poster and she made it look very colorful. She even wrote most of the answers to the questions (I wrote the lengthy ones). She is still loving school and most days is very good at school. This week she got her first yellow paw because she wrote on the desk ON PURPOSE! But we talked about it and it shouldn't happen again. She also wanted to show off her homework; she did most of the work and when I asked was letters made the th sound she knew right away and promptly spelled the work that. My cousin Jenny, a former kindergarten teacher, said the progress was generally quick and she was right. Emma is really doing great. Owen is sick, actually both are, but he seems to be getting the better of the cold this weekend. School is crazy and totally overwhelming but I am really impressed with the work and dedication all my students have to their work. That wasn't always the case when I was teaching 9th grade. Other than missing the sunshine and putting off the garden work, life is grand!

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