Monday, March 29, 2010

Science Project!

So, on top of swimming, track, watercolor, and just being a 1st grader, Emma decided that she wanted to be a part of the Brigadoon Science Fair. Thankfully, it isn't a requirement for her grade, because we haven't been very good at getting things together. We picked a fairly easy project that doesn't require a lot of time and money to complete. She is working on solar energy absorption. We have three bottles, she painted one white, the other black and left one plain. When it isn't thundering and lightening outside we will fill the bottles with water and take the temp of the water. Then we will let the bottles stay outside for a while and once we bring them in we will take their temp and see if her hypothesis is correct. Her hypothesis is that the temp of the water in the black bottle will be hotter than the others. She came to this because she remembers getting hotter in the summer when she wore black. Cool, huh!

This is Emma writing her information into her journal.

Painting the bottles.

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