Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Big boy on the potty

Owen had just gone peepee on the potty and I hadn't had the chance to put pants back on him so he was running around the house, doing the naked butt dance. Doesn't everyone? Anyway, a little while later I looked over at him and he had the "I'm going to poop" look on his face, so I encouraged him to sit on the potty. Well, the reward for pooping on the potty is a Spiderman video, which he can see from the toilet (it's up on the frig). So, he tried and tried to go poop always saying "It's too hard" after every push and grunt. Once Scott got home, he got his dinner and took my place on the "Stool of encouragement" (the pun was not intended) and I washed dishes. After about 10 minutes of sitting on the potty, I told Owen he could get up and get two stickers since he was trying so hard. But he was determined to get the movie so he sat and sat and sat and sat. Meanwhile, Emma decided to start reading, I guess she thought we were all sitting why not right?! We were all crowded into the bathroom for about 30 minutes. Even the dog wanted to come by and chill with the family. Emma read half of the book with minimal help. It was awesome! She was very excited.
Owen passed the time on the potty pulling a string off his sock.
Kylie wasn't sure why we were there, she just really wanted a belly rub.


Diane Tichy said...

OMG, OK, so is prime-time ready for the Wren Wreality show? Cuz, I'd watch.

Vollmer Family said...

I'm glad to know that other families have family bathroom hang-out time! Too funny!!